Monday, April 4, 2011

The Antique Mall

The Colonial Antique Mall is located in Woodstock Illinois.  Here is a picture of our space there.  They are open 7 days a week from 10 to 5pm.  We are so lucky to be  right next to the Guilded Junque Yard!!


  1. Your blog looks great. Keep it going. I'm a follower.
    Rosemary :)

  2. Hi Ladies, So glad to see you started a blog. I saw your dinner at Mark's on Iowa Junk Gypsies, and was so happy to find you. I visited your shop again but you were at Kane, and haven't made it back to Crystal Lake. The frame you sent me holds my dear hubby's baby photo and I think of your kindness whenever I see it. Hope to see you again soon. Love, Penny
